City of Vincent Link and Place Guidelines
This project applied the globally recognised ‘Link and Place’ methodology to develop the City of Vincent Link and Place Guidelines. Responding to the City of Vincent’s Accessible City Strategy direction, the Guidelines provide a holistic approach to street planning and design in Vincent to serve the competing needs of its users and uses.
In collaboration with key stakeholders, UDLA worked closely with Hames Sharley and ARUP to develop the Guidelines. Pilot design concepts were produced for three streets within Vincent to demonstrate the value of adapting global best-practice streetscape design to local contexts.
One of the project’s ‘walkshop’ site tours. Photo by Miles Noel
During the project’s initial analysis phase, the design team led six ‘walkshop’ site tours of Vincent’s town centres and streets to gain on-the-ground knowledge. These tours, attended by residents and workers, Vincent staff, and the design team enabled a clear understanding of local site conditions, including opportunities and constraints presented by the existing street design.
The Guidelines set out a holistic analysis and design approach that considers the interplay between people, transport modes and other key streetscape elements such as furniture, trees, and adjacent land uses, encompassing the entire streetscape from property boundary to property boundary. The document outlines a step-by-step process to undertake street design, as well as a ‘kit of parts’ of design elements for each user of the street.
The Link and Place Guidelines demonstrate the value of connecting with global best-practice streetscape design while responding to and learning from local people and place to create enhanced public spaces for the community.
2024 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) WA Landscape Architecture Award for Landscape Planning
2024 PIA WA Awards, Climate Change & Resilience category, Commendation
2024 PIA WA Awards, Community Wellbeing & Diversity category, Commendation
Client: City of Vincent
Aboriginal Country: Whadjuk Noongar
Location: City of Vincent suburbs (Leederville, Mount Lawley, Mount Hawthorn, North Perth and
Northbridge, WA)
Collaborators: Hames Sharley (Lead), UDLA (Landscape Architect) ARUP
Dates: 2023