The latest news and updates from the UDLA team.
Good Design Award for Curtin University Indigenous Learning Circle
Good Design Award for Curtin University Indigenous Learning Circle
Birunbirun (rainbow bee-eater) for the win in Victoria Park!
Birunbirun (rainbow bee-eater) for the win in Victoria Park!
Double congratulations for Amy Stewart at the UWA Design Awards
Double congratulations to our colleague Amy Stewart for taking out two of the recent UWA Design Awards 2022.
Open EOI invitation: 5x Visual Artworks
Open EOI for a new artwork to be located on the Coogee Chemicals site along Patterson Road in Kwinana.
Communicating Design at UNDA and UWA
This year, in addition to her role as Design Communications Director at UDLA, Loren has taken on a couple of teaching roles.
We’re on the lookout for an Associate Landscape Architect
We’re on the lookout for an Associate Landscape Architect
Riley De Campe – Registered Landscape Architect
Big congratulations to our colleague, Riley De Campe, for recently completing the registration process with the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).
Karla boodja bilya djinda at Goolugatup
Karla boodja bilya djinda at Goolugatup in Melville
We are looking for a Bid Coordinator to join our team
We are currently looking for a Bid Coordinator to join our team
Connected canopies at Iron Ore Parade, Newman
We were excited to be back in Newman recently to see how well the trees in the green spines of the Newman Town Centre revitalisation project have been growing. Planted in 2012, these Tipuana tipu (also known as ‘Pride of Bolivia’) at Iron Ore Parade were installed in double rows, with a tree on either side of the path.
The result, as the recent photo shows, is a connected canopy for maximised pedestrian comfort. With increasing awareness of the importance of urban canopy, it’s visual proof of our favourite tree proverb – “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now”.
Ocean Reef Marina Update
Progress at Ocean Reef Marina continues. Last last year, the State Government announced a funding uplift for the project to include Perth’s first coastal pool. The Olympic-sized pool is expected to be in place by 2025 with the multi-staged construction of the marina due for final completion by 2036.
Caine Holdsworth’s Arboriculture Qualification
Another colleague congratulations from us this week – this time to Associate Landscape Architect Caine Holdsworth who recently completed (with first-class honours!) a Graduate Certificate in Arboriculture from the University of Melbourne.
Amy Stewart Awarded 2022 Landscape Australia Student Prize for UWA
We’re thrilled to share the news that our colleague Amy Stewart has been awarded the 2022 Landscape Australia Student Prize for UWA.
UDLA Director Scott Lang recognised with an AILA Fellowship
UDLA Director Scott Lang has been recognised with a Fellowship at the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA).
Curtin University TL Robertson Library works Update
UDLA are pleased to see works progressing well at the T.L. Robertson Library Refurbishment at Curtin’s Bentley campus. UDLA were engaged to develop the public realm landscape improvements associated with the service upgrades due for completion early 2023.
Subi East Oval Redevelopment Update
We’re proud to share progress on site at The Oval Precinct – the first stage of the larger Subi East Redevelopment project that we have been undertaking for DevelopmentWA in collaboration with Design Partner OCULUS.
Fremantle Design Week reflections
Fremantle Design Week concluded with a PechaKucha event hosted by UDLA’s Design Communications Director, Loren Holmes.
Designing Cities Symposium
We thoroughly enjoyed the Designing Cities Symposium, as part of the recent Fremantle Design Week. UDLA's Studio Principal Shea Hatch facilitated the Symposium, during which we heard from a range of insightful perspectives about the process of making cities.
Trusting the Process - for Fremantle Design Week
We were thrilled to hold an event for the inaugural Fremantle Design Week. Titled Trusting the Process, the event was an open studio conversation with Vanessa Margetts, Pierre Quesnel, Rosie Halsmith, Hamish Firth and Fred Chaney.
Double win for Curtin Yarning Circle at the AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards
Double win for the Curtin Yarning Circle at the AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards