Ocean Reef Marina (in progress)


Located on WA’s enviable coastline 29km north of the Perth CBD, Ocean Reef Marina will be a world-class waterfront destination with a mix of commercial, recreational and residential activity set amongst more than 5ha of public open space and community facilities including an ocean pool, a beach, a waterside promenade, a series of public artworks and multiple parks and plazas.


Ocean Reef Marina has been in planning for a number of decades. UDLA was engaged in 2018 to collaboratively undertake a review of the existing plan, which resulted in the current preferred plan. Since then we have facilitated an extensive engagement programme that incorporated knowledge sharing sessions with a Community Reference Group, local schools and Whadjuk Noongar representatives to develop an agreed Landscape Masterplan and vision for the public realm.


UDLA Director Scott Lang and local community members in conversation over Ocean Reef Marina’s potential during one of a series of collaborative engagement sessions.


The Ocean Reef Cultural Context Map created by Maitland Hill in collaboration with Yunga Foundation and UDLA.


Fundamental to the engagement and knowledge sharing process – and the project more broadly – is the involvement of Yunga Foundation, the Aboriginal Business Managers for the project, as well the Traditional Owner group who Yunga assembled to provide cultural context, stories and memories specific to the site. Ngaan Maambakoort (our ocean) is the binding theme that guides all moves on site. The ongoing direction from Yunga Foundation will ensure that the site continues to be a culturally-connected place for all.


Key objectives embedded into the Landscape Masterplan include 1. Legible Access, 2. Connection to Dunes, 3. Settled into the Landscape and 4. Activated Community Spaces.


The Landscape Masterplan was developed to balance numerous approaches alongside existing and future uses. When arriving to the site from land, the identity of the site is all about the dunes that have been retained as a large green spine that defines the entire eastern edge. A central ‘Marina Community’ is the transition zone between the dunes and the water, while the water’s edge is anchored by a centralised series of activated civic spaces connected by an ocean promenade.


In December 2022, the State Government announced a funding uplift for the project to include Perth’s first coastal pool. The Olympic-sized pool is expected to be in place by 2025 with the multi-staged construction of the marina due for final completion by 2036. Above image by Harp Collective.


UDLA’s role in the project continues, with the delivery of the Public Realm Detailed Design, including wayfinding and interpretation, currently underway.



Client: DevelopmentWA (previously Landcorp)
Aboriginal Country: Whadjuk Noongar Country
Location: Ocean Reef, Perth, WA
Dates: 2018 - Ongoing
Landscape Architect: UDLA
Collaborators: TBB, Stantec, MP Rogers and Associates, Strategen JBSG, Yunga Aboriginal Business Managers, Bridge 42, City of Joondalup



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